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Be an Eco- friendly Traveller

Of course, we all love to travel and explore our beautiful planet. Travel is the best way to learn the meaning of coexistence. But Alas!!! Our Travel goals can actually lead to environment pollution. Yes, toxic emissions from fuel, using single use plastics, littering, disturbing the natural habitat of wild plants and animals by trespassing, etc. to environmental pollution.

As a responsible traveller, we need to take care to reduce the impact linked with our travel. Make your cursor travel across these Don't's to learn about how can we reduce the carbon footprint associated our travel.


Don’t take unnecessarily prints

As an eco-friendly traveller, you can do your bit in saving paper by carrying a soft copy of your tickets and other essential documents that you would need while travelling.

Don’t waste electricity

Make it a point to turn off the lights, AC and TV when you leave your hotel rooms (even if you aren’t paying for it!). If you don’t want your room to be vacuumed, leave the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on the door before leaving. Another smart way of reducing electricity consumption while travelling is to opt for a bigger room or cottage instead of multiple small rooms for accommodating your family.

Don’t Waste water

Do chose wash over shower, turn off taps while you shampoo, shave, lather up or brush your teeth. Try and wash your clothes by yourself, if needed, instead of giving them for hotel laundry as it uses up more water than you think

Don’t use private vehicles un-necessarily if you have good public transport options

For limiting fuel consumption and carbon emissions, you must take public transport when possible. And even if you have to rent a car, go for a smaller model to reduce the impact on the environment. If it is possible to explore the destination on a bicycle or on foot, nothing could be better.

Don’t litter and ruin the beautiful landscapes and oceans

Follow a leave-no-trace regimen, i.e. wherever you go whether it be a camp, park, beach or any other place, make sure anything you carry in, you carry out too. Don’t forget to throw the trash in dustbins, according to what can or cannot be recycled

Don’t be a rule breaker

ensure the complete safety of the travellers as well as the environment. For instance, when going on a trekking or hiking trip, always stay on trails – do not wander off to take a selfie as it can be dangerous. While exploring a wildlife hotspot, don’t hamper the plant life or feed animals, and don’t click pictures with flash

Don’t stay at places with high environment footprint

Research and Pick eco-hotels that have sustainability initiatives like rainwater harvesting, solar power, energy-efficient lighting, low-flow toilets, etc.

Don’t throw towels in a single go

Use towels and linens wisely and multiple times

Don't Use Single Use plastic cutlery

Make it a point to carry refillable bottles

Don't use toiletries with high plastic footprint

use eco-friendly toiletries

Don't waste food

Order and take what you can eat( Prefer buffet )

Don’t Carry your house(pack too much)

Pack light - Make sure that you are carrying only the ‘most required’ things and dump the rest.

Don't indulge in Plastic packed Snacking

It will reduce plastic and improve your health

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